Posts in Fitness
Athlete Essentials: Hair Care for an Active Lifestyle

Today was just one of those days.

Woke up with serious bed head to more gloomy weather, and just a low feeling.

The last couple of days have been a little bit stressful and jam packed with phone calls, laundry, and cleaning - all the things us active individuals would most likely prefer not to do. Needless to say, I needed a boost of energy.

So, I decided to do something fun to my hair that I haven’t done in a while. With the help of my amazing Dry Shampoo of course! ‘Cause #SweatyHairDon’tHair especially when I have the perfect fix ;)

Being an active individual has it’s ups and downs, but I have some great tips for keeping your hair healthy and feeling great. Apparently, sweat can do some damage. How much damage? Not too sure, but what I do know is that sweating releases tons of waste and salts from the body which means your hair and scalp can get dried out pretty quickly after sweating. Ever notice that beach-like, just came out of the ocean, hair feeling after a good workout? It’s rewarding and gross all at the same time.

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Top 8 Core Athletic Strengths + Discover Your Core Strength

As a young competitive gymnast, embarking on such a concrete journey of strength, resilience, and determination, one thing always stuck with me no matter how hard it got - being an athlete is 90% mindset and only 10% physical strength. This is why I define the Athletic Mindset in my book, Beyond the Sport, as a foundational platform of mental and physical abilities, but the most important of the two is mental. The second thing that stuck with me is never to say the words, "I can't" because if I had I would suffer the consequences...this meant an infinite amount of pushups,  but besides that, the belief that I wasn't good enough. 

This limiting belief is something that we all struggle with on a day-to-day basis, and I would be lying to you if I said I've mastered this. This limiting belief is what keeps us at odds with our inner athlete and stops us from accomplishing our goals. A question that always comes up is, "what makes me different from him/her?" The answer, my friend, is...mindset. First of all, one of the basic principles in my book is that 'comparison fuels doubt and it is the thief of confidence.' The most important thing to understand is, without cultivating the mindset first, your physical strength will only get you so far. I learned that the hard way.

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How I Went From a Gymnast to a Runner: A Beginners Guide + My Top 10 tips for Keeping Your Run Game Strong

No one would expect a gymnast to become a runner - but then again, most people don't expect anyone to become a runner. Truth is, it's a process just like anything else. But, if you're interested, I've got some great tips for beginners and even for people who want to make their running stronger! Read more for my top 10 tips for a strong run.

If you had told me, when I was a gymnast full-time, that I would later on become a runner and run a half-marathon, I would've said, "Uhh, no way! I'm going to the Olympics like Dominique Muceano."

Well, interestingly enough...last year I ran my first ever half marathon at the Diva's Half Marathon and 5k in October AND I killed it (with a sprained ankle...oops)! I couldn't even believe it.

I still can't believe it...but, it happened.

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