Everything You Need to Know about #ArmpitDetoxing
First of all, I’m not 100% sure how or when this became a thing, but I have to say…I LOVE IT! I wish I would’ve known about it sooner, tbh.
Since my teenage years I’ve always hard super sensitive pits - rashes, reactions, going through countless deodorants to find the right one that actually worked, sweaty, you name it. Over the years I’ve switched over to natural deodorants (which was a process in itself), which have helped better but I knew I needed something more.
That’s when I saw a post about Armpit Detoxing and I couldn’t resist but to try it the heck out! So, now, here I am giving myself armpit detoxes in my early 30’s and I’m not even mad about it.
My results so far: my pits have been feeling less sensitive, less smelly, and “so fresh and so clean, clean.” So, If you’ve been thinking about it, I definitely recommend giving it a try!
Armpit Detoxing 101
what, why, how and anything else!
What is Armpit Detoxing?
Armpit detoxing is exactly what it sounds like, detoxing your armpits! Basically, you make a special “mask” just for your pits which has a great impact on your lymphatic system. As you know, we use deodorants daily to prevent odor and, mostly, sweating. Most deodorants contain specific chemicals that are going directly into our blood stream, as well as our lymphatic system which can eventually increase the level of toxins in the body and cause some disruptions (yuck!). Specifically, most deodorants contain aluminum, an anti-perspirant to prevent sweating that has been linked to damaged DNA and other health issues. So, first things first, I think it’s definitely time to opt-in for aluminum-free deodorant and take safer precautions to your health.
On the other hand, if you’re someone who sweats more than average people (not a bad thing, especially if you’re super active), chances are you may have a slight odor problem (trust me, I know, and it’s def gross). So, naturally, we reach for more deodorant, but the more deodorant we use the more risk we have of clogging up your pours.
Why Armpit Detoxing?
Our skin is the largest organ on our body and is also the easiest to be penetrated by all sorts of chemicals and toxins. Now, think about your armpits - they’re a more sensitive area, therefore, can easily be influenced by the deodorants you're using. Other than deodorants, your body produces sweat, and there are two main sweat glands under your armpits as well as lymph nodes. As you know, the lymphatic system is part of the body’s defense system, and lymphatic health is super important for maintaining our body’s “ecosystem” and preventing toxins from damaging other parts of the body.
So, why do an armpit detox? Well, why do we detox in the first place? Generally, we want to cleanse the body from unwanted toxins, bacteria, and other junk so we can feel better, have more energy, improve our digestion, etc. So, here are just some of the benefits of doing an armpit detox:
+ get rid of dangerous chemicals infecting your sweat glands and lymph nodes
+ reduce odor by eliminating bacteria built up from constant sweating
+ clean out the pours under your armpits to allow for natural detoxification of your lymphatic system (your white blood cells will be so thankful!)
Those post armpit detox feels…
are real AF.
How to do an Armpit Detox + What you need:
Are you ready?! This is as simple as it gets…
1. Clean yoself! Make sure your pits are nice and clean. Get as much of your deodorant off as you can.
2. Grab a small mixing bowl + mask applicator + bentonite clay + apple cider vinegar + filtered water
3. Mix together:
1 tablespoon of bentonite clay
1 teaspoon of ACV
1-2 teaspoons of Water
4. apply mixture over clean armpits and let sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe off with warm water/cloth
5. Enjoy the freshness and apply a clean, natural, chemical-free deodorant*!
It’s as easy as 1..2..3 ingredients and a quick 10 minute detox!
Now, you’re probable wondering how often should you do an armpit detox…
Tbh, I think everyone is different and it depends on your body! For now, I’m sticking to twice a month because I’m a very active individual, and considering my sensitivity and hormonal ups and downs, which may cause me to sweat differently, it seems sufficient enough and it works for me!
This is something you’d definitely need to experiment with to find what works for you. Whether it’s once a month, once every few months, or more frequently. Have fun experimenting with this…I sure did :P.
Cheers to having fresh, clean, and healthy armpits!
* to get this deodorant at wholesale price, click here.